Here are some frequently asked questions/known issues that I urge
you to read if you are having problems. If you have a question that
is not on this page then please
get in touch.
Does XNJB work on OS X versions prior to 10.3 (Panther)?
No, XNJB will only work on OS X 10.3.9 (Panther), 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard). XNJB will not work on earlier versions (including versions older than 10.3.9). -
Do I want to download the source or binary file?
Most users will want the binary only. If you want to see how XNJB works, add a feature or fix a bug then get the source. -
Can I help?
Yes! You can help by submitting patches, new features, bug reports or by donating. You can donate to my paypal account, address richard@wentnet.com. -
My recordings fail to download and XNJB says 'LIBNJB panic: recieved [some number] extraneous bytes!' in the command line
I do not know the cause of this but users have reported this is fixed by running a disk check on your jukebox. This will probably not let you download the old recordings but subsequent new recordings should work correctly. If you suffer from this problem please get in touch as this may help to find the root cause. -
Can I use the Audible codec with XNJB?
Unfortunately we don't know how to upload Audible files to jukeboxes that support it. If you think you can help please get in touch! -
When I try to connect my device XNJB just hangs on 'Connecting' or says 'No NJB Devices Found'
One workaround is to unplug your jukebox then plug it in again and click Connect from the Jukebox menu. If this doesn't work, try all the USB ports on your computer and remove any other USB devices, including hubs. -
When I try to upload a data file to my NJB1 it just says 'Error'
The NJB1 requires each file to have a unique filename so make sure the file you are trying to upload does not already exist. -
XNJB cannot find my NJB1
Make sure you have iTunes closed before you connect with XNJB. iTunes has native, but limited, support for the NJB1. -
Why doesn't XNJB support Firewire?
XNJB doesn't support Firewire for the simple reason that libnjb does not. Sniffing the Firewire protocol requires expensive hardware readers which no libnjb developers have access to. If you think you can help, then please get in touch with the libnjb team. -
I have an idea of a feature, will you implement it?
All ideas will be gratefully received and implemented or added to the to do list to implement later. -
Something doesn't work/I've found a bug, what shall I do?
Please let me know with as much of the following information a possible:
- XNJB version (from About box)
- OS X version
- Nomad model and firmware version
- How to reproduce the problem or what you did before the crash (in the case of a crash please send the text in the Crash Report that OS X asks to send to Apple)
- If you can, please run XNJB in the console by right clicking on the XNJB package, and select 'Show Package Contents'. In 'Contents', 'Mac OS', double click on XNJB. This will print out useful debugging information in the console so please copy this and include it.
- You can download a debug version of XNJB from the download archive. The debug versions have debug at the end of the filename. If you run this version in the console, it will print all the USB data. If something isn't working, please send this to me so I can see what's wrong. Note the code is identical so the debug version won't solve any problems itself but will help to provide feedback.
- Anything else you think might be relevant
XNJB says my music file type is not suppored
Your player does not support every audio type - if your player reports it does not support the type you are trying to upload you will get this message. In particular, most MTP players do not support the AAC codec, which is the default codec used by iTunes to rip tracks. So to upload tracks ripped by iTunes you must use at different format. A nice howto is here (it refers to the Zen Micro but is player independent). -
My player doesn't charge through USB when it does on Windows
I'm not sure why sometimes it won't charge but after connecting with XNJB it always charges for me. -
Why does XNJB not support the Zen Nano, Zen Nano Plus, any MuVo players, Zen Neeon, Zen Stone or Zen Stone Plus?
These players support the USB mass storage device protocol so when you plug them in they are mounted as a removable drive. So you can drag and drop files to this disk in Finder without the need for any other software like XNJB.